Member speaking

The Association has a strong commitment to, and history of, helping Ewes and people of Ewe heritage in the Washington, DC Metro area. The vision of the current President is to create a program that will encourage succession planning for the next generation.

The Association has a strong commitment to, and history of, helping Ewes and people of Ewe heritage in the Washington Metro area. The vision of the current President, is to create a program that will encourage succession planning for the next generation. Succession planning is a deliberate process of preparing for the orderly transition of talents: in this case, the Ewe culture and tradition. 


The Volta Association aims at bringing together all people from Ewe-land for a united community in the Washington metropolitan area. Currently, membership in the Association is open to all Ewe-speaking people or people of Ewe heritage from Ghana, Togo, and Benin. The aims and objectives of Volta Association are to establish a vibrant Ewe community in the Washington D.C. area, and to assist in the socio-economic development of the Ewe-land.

Group Member



We work with people who support our idea of nature conservation. American taxpayers are bearing the cost of weather disasters and crop failures.

Our Milestones


The Volta Club News, Volume 1, No.1, was started in 1984, with Mr. Emmanuel Kudjo Ave, serving as the first editor.


The formation of the Volta Dance Ensemble (the cultural wing of the Association)

1987 – 1988

Under the leadership of Dr. Ephraim Dagadu, the Association acquired over $5m worth of medications from pharmaceutical companies in the U.S. and shipped them to seven hospitals in the Volta Region of Ghana.


The Association newsletter – Volta Club News – carried news and information extending beyond its boundary. Owing to its appeal to the reading public, in 1992, the name of the newsletter was changed to The Volta Sun with Isaac Vodi as its editor.


CEANA – The beginning of the Council of Ewe Associations of North America (CEANA), could be traced back to a meeting held at the Howard University Hotel, Washington, D.C. on September 3rd, 1994.

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